Follow along

If you want to plug in as we go…

I am going to be sharing some pretty personal things here for the next few months. I won’t be spamming Twitter and Facebook with a lot of it, because I might not have the time and energy to chase engagement on every channel.

But if you don’t want to miss anything, leave a comment below, and check the option to get new posts by email.

…and thank you. All of you.

191 thoughts on “Follow along”

      1. There is an update coming in a little bit. If you get the email, then you’re subscribed.

        They’ll send you an email first, asking for opt-in permission to send more. You have to approve that before anything else will come.

  1. I know I don’t really know you, but I really enjoy your thoughts on FB. I have been wondering how you have been doing lately because I feel like you may be having a hard time. I hope you don’t mind if I sign up.

  2. Not much I can say that hasn’t already been said. I’ve been through it and came out ok. Putting the light out for you, my friend.

    1. I won’t be hospitalized. The chemo is an all-day process, and I don’t know yet what their policy is on that. I would think they want to limit it, because of patient privacy and to cut down on people with low immune systems.

      But I’ll be around. Just give me a heads up first. 😎

  3. As JSPepper said, this is my obligatory comment, but at the same time I do have to add that I’m definitely sending you good vibes from Colorado!

  4. So I had no clue and instead of asking you what your day one post was about today, I did some digging. I’ll be thinking about you and praying as you pop in my mind.

  5. Ike, so sorry to hear about this, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.

    I am sure that McMurrary will soon face the same fate as the Bud Light knight did during the Super Bowl.


  6. Just getting up-to-speed, Ike. Thanks for taking the time to share your journey and for welcoming us in. Prayers surrounding you!

  7. Hoping the best for whatever has come your way. Your insights are always valued and often needed in the social media world and elsewhere

  8. I’m encouraged by your words AND the amount of scrolling I had to do to get down to this box. I’m mad Facebook’s algorithm waited until today to tip me off, but I’m more mad at McMurray. Not only do you have this, if you don’t have it for a second or two or longer, there’s an army willing to help you stay in the fight.

  9. Rats. It’s a good thing I saw today’s FB post. The one thing I hate about these algorithms is that it becomes very chancy whether I see an important post like this. You will be fine. (From my lips to God’s ears, right?) McMurry is a defeatable kind of cancer and you’re all over it. That being said, avoid sugar, which feeds cancer.

  10. It’s gonna be a K.O. McMurry is TOAST. It might have started the fight, but we all know you’re gonna end it!! Fight hard!!

  11. Praying for you Ike! My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer 2 weeks ago and he starts chemo on Monday. I’m learning as I go and welcome the chance to stay connected and encourage you to fight on!!!

    1. Thank you!

      There are a lot of our former Red Cross family in this thread – how can they mobilize to help your dad?

  12. I, i’m just seeing your FB thread about this site. I’d like to know what’s happening with the family. Perhaps I can help somehow. I do the prayer chain for our church, too. I’d be happy to add you to it.

  13. The thing about the journey of life I have learned in the last two years is it is who you travel with that makes it worthwhile! I am with you Ike!

  14. Obligatory comment yadda yadda. Please let me know if there is anything beside kind thoughts and deep prayers that I can do for you old friend…

  15. I’m so sorry to hear about you illness. I will be praying for you and anytime you need something, feel free to call.

  16. I pray that your body recognizes its design, and fills in what the chemo takes out. I pray for the rebirth of your body, Ike. I pray your mind and body align in wholeness.

  17. You got this, Ike! Let me know when you are ready for Dos Hermanos! By the way, you starred in a dream I had last night. We were at an airport (not sure which one) and we had gone to a specific terminal to meet a friend of yours flying into town. We waited and waited, and the plane didn’t show. You got it in your mind that we were at the wrong terminal, and so we headed off to find the right one — and went straight into a restricted area. Airport Security detained us, and they were getting ready to take me into a room to interrogate me. For some reason, you seemed giddy at the prospect, laughing at my discomfort (You got some splaining to do!) Fortunately, I woke up! Now you tell me what that means. 😉

  18. Isaac (I’ve never called you Ike) I will always be thinking good thoughts and prayers for you! I have so much love for you!

  19. Hey friend, adding my name to your list of supporters, and signing up for updates. Praying for strength as you go through treatment, sorry you are having to deal with this

  20. Ike,
    I can’t believe I am just know finding out about this. I feel horrible. More importantly, you are one heckuva fighter and I am right along side you. You know that, right? You got this, my friend.

  21. You got this!! You are strong and have a world of people supporting you!! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!! 🙏 If you need anything, let me know much love! ❤️

  22. Looks like you’ve got a ton of friends supporting you and we’d like to be added to the mix. Huge prayers and support coming your way from the Olivet family.

  23. Ike, I’m just getting caught up on all of this and I want to offer my prayers of support to you. Stay strong my friend. God’s got it.

  24. Oh my gosh. I had no idea – I stumbled upon a Facebook post of yours and realized what was going on. Keeping you in my prayers and commenting here so I can follow along and join your crowd of cheerleaders.

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